Amorous Goddess (2) (The)
X: 1 T:Amorous Goddess [2]. Ru1.162 B:Rutherford's Country Dances Vol 1, 1756 Z:village music project, Steve Mansfield July 2015 M:C| L:1/8 W:Hands a cross with the 2d Cu. and Cast off .| W:the same with the 3d Cu. :| Lead up to the Top W:foot it and Cast off Lead thro the 3d Cu. and W:turn your Partner .|. foot it Corners and W:turn foot it the other Corners and turn your W:Partner :| Q:3/8=90 F: K:D |:f2(e/f/)g faag | fedc dA TA2 | f2(e/f/)g faag | f(edc) d4 || f2(f/e/d) eaac | dfed cAA2 | aeec fBBd | c2B2 A4 | f2(e/f/g) faag | fedc dAA2 | f2(e/f/g) faag | fedc d4 |]
X:1 T:Amorous Goddess [2], The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Country Dance Tune B:Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 1 (1782, No. 160, p. 56) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D f2 e/f/g|faag|fedc|dA A2|f2 (e/f/g)|faag| fedc|d2d2::f2 (f/e/d)|eaac|dfed|cA A2| aeec|fBBd|c2B2|A3z|f2 (e/f/g)|faag| fedc|dA A2|f2 (e/f/g)|faag|fedc|d2d2:|]