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X:1 T:Granny S:Henry Reed (Glenn Lyn, southwest Virginia) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel R:Quick F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/granny Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:Amix e2a2g2f2|efed c2d2|e2a2^g2a2|b3b b2e2-| e2a2g2f2|efed c2d2|e2e2d2cA|BAE2 A3e-| e2a2g2f2|efed c2d2|e2a2^g2a2|b3b b2e2-| e2a2g2f2|efed c2e2-|efed- dc-c2|BA E2 A4|| e2e2 d2c2|BABA c2d2|e3e d2c2| B2E2A4| e2e2 e2c2| B2AB c2d2|e3e d2c2|B2E2 A4||

GRANNY. American, Reel (cut or 4/4 time). A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. "Granny" was collected by folklorist Alan Jabbour from Glen Lyn, Giles County, southwest Virginia, fiddler Henry Reed (1884-1968), who Jabbour thought was unsure of the title, as if there were more words in it, but not remembered. Reed did recall he learned it from a "Mr. Drummond(s)", from Texas. Jabbour notes: "This tune can not be clearly traced, though it bears some very general resemblances to tunes like "Fire on the Mountain (1)," ...The second strain is short and has the character of a filler, eked out of the melodic material in the first strain." See the similar "Patty/Paddy on the Turnpike (1)," from West Virginia fiddler Eden Hammons. See also note for "Half Past Four."

Additional notes

Recorded sources : - Library of Congress AFS 13035B09, Henry Reed (1966). Rounder 0024, "The Hollow Rock String Band" (1974).

See also listing at :
Henry Reed collection at American Memory [1] and Slippery Hill [2]

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