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LUGGELAW (Lug na Leaca). AKA - "Lugge Law." AKA and see "No Not More Welcome." Irish, Air (3/4 time). C Major (Clinton): G Major (Haverty, O'Neill): E Flat Major (Stanford/Petrie). Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. In Irish Folk Music: A Fascinating Hobby (p. 205), Francis O'Neill explains:

In the sixth number of Moore's Melodies, issued in 1815, the poet sets the song "No, Not More Welcome," to an air which he calls Luggelaw. It is recorded that he obtained it from [Irish collector George] Petrie, but no explanation is offered as to what the ancient title signifies. Upon investigation 'Luggelaw' seems to be a corruption of "Lug na leaca"--in English, "The Hollow Beside the Hill." It was also printed "Luggela."

A very plausible derivation of the name, which is totally at variance with that found in Dr. Joyce's Irish Local Names Explained, is given by Mrs. Plumptre in her Narrative of a Residence in Ireland in 1814-15. "The first morning of my stay was spent in a visit to Loch-Hela, better known by the name of Luggelaw, which sprang originally from a corrupt pronunciation of the name. That of Loch-Hela--the 'Lake of Hela--is now so little known that it is very commonly called the 'Lake of Luggelaw'. I have seen it called so under an engraving of the spot; nay, I have seen it spelled "Lugula," she says.

'Petrie, who copied the tune from P. Carew's manuscript, very naturally copied the name also. There is no reason to believe that "Luggelaw" or other meaningless titles will ever be changed while Moore's Melodies retain their popularity; and it will continue to be quite satisfactory to all who appropriate the air for other publications.

Source for notated version: "From P. Carew's MS" [Stanford/Petrie].

Printed sources: Clinton (Gems of Ireland: 200 Airs), 1841; No. 93, p. 47. P.M. Haverty (One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 1), 1858; No. 94, p. 38. O'Neill (Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies), 1903; No. 138, p. 24. Stanford/Petrie (Complete Collection), 1905; No. 712, p. 179.

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