Banane a None' Adam (La)
%REPLACE THE NEXT 5 (FIVE) LINES WITH YOUR ABC NOTATION CODE X:1 T: No Score K:G %% simply paste your ABC code here! %% the rest, after the closed tag, is for formatting and copyright issues
BANANE A NONE' ADAM, LA. (Uncle Adam's Banana). AKA - "Seventy-Three Special." Cajun, Two-Step. USA, Louisiana. A Mixolydian/Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Related songs are Nathan Abshire's "L'Acadian Two-Step" and the Rambling Aces "Seventy-Three Special." The alternate title, "Seventy-Three Special" comes from alternate words to the melody by Rodney LeJeune and the Rambling Aces regarding a nightclub in Texas on Highway 73.
Source for notated version: Elton "Bee" Cormier, Rodney LeJeune, Nathan Abshire (La.) [Francois].
Printed source: Francois (Yé Yaille, Chère!), 1990; pp. 28-30.