Big Footed Nigger (in the Sandy Land) (1)
X:1 T:Big Footed N..... in the Sandy Lot [1], The S:The Stripling Brothers, Charlie (1896-1966) and Ira (1898-1967), west Alabama. M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Fast" R:Reel D:Vocalion 5321 (78 RPM), The Stripling Brothers (1928) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G ((3DEF|G2)G2 GFED|"*"G3G- G2((3ABd|e)e2e e2B2|d6(f2| g)age gagf|edBc d3(_B|=B)+slide+B2d AGEF| G6:| |:(f2|g)age gagf|edBc d3[de]-|[ee][e2e2]f e2B2|d5(f2 g)age gagf|edBc d3(_B|=B)+slide+B2d AGEF|1 G6:|2 G8-|G4|| P:Charlie Stripling inserts "Sweet Bye and Bye" after the 2nd time through on the recording g2a2|b4 a2g2| a4 gf e2|[M:6/4] d4- d4 g2a2| [M:C|]b4 b2 c'2|d'4 d'2c'2|[M:6/4] a4-a4 g2a2|[M:C|]b4 a2g2| a4 gf e2|[M:6/4]d4- d4 g2a2|[M:C|]b4 a2g2|a4 g2f2|g4- g2|| P:Substitutions: "*"DG2G G4(3ABd|
X:2 T:Big Footed Man in the Sandy Lot [1] R:Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 N:From Greg Canote Z:Transcribed by Bruce Thomson K:G |:gage gagf|edBc d4|e3g adBc|[d3f3] [fd] [d4f4]| gage gagf|edBc d4|BAGB AGED|[G3B3] [GB] [G4B4]:| |:G2BG AGBG|AGEF G4|e3g edBc|d3d d4| gage gagf|edBc d4|BAGB AGFD|[G3B3][GB] [G4B4]:|]
X:1 T: Big-Footed Man in the Sandy Lot C: from Lee Stripling N:In "Roses in Winter," published by the Washington State Old TimeFiddlers Association, 2004 Z:Stuart Williams, abc's by V.T. Williams M:C| K:G DE|"G"GDGA GFEG|DG2GG2Bd|"C"ee2e2dB2|"G"d4d3g-| gagf gagf|edB2d2^A2|"D"Bd BA2GF2|"G"G3G3:| |:ef|"G"gagf gagf|edB2d2^d2|"C"ee2e2dB2|"G"d4d2ef| gagf gagf|edB2d2^A2|"D"Bd BA2GF2|"G"G3G:|
X:1 T:Bigfoot M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G ((3D/E/F/|G)A/A/ BA/(B/|B/)D/G/E/ D((3D/E/F/|G)A/A/ B/A/G/(D/|E>)(DE/)(3D/E/F/| G)A/A/ BA/(B/|B/)D/G/E/ DD/D/|D/(E/D/)(D/ E)F|(G/ B) (G/ B):| |:(e|g/)(a/g/)g/ (g/e/)d|e/f/e/(d/ B/)B/d|(e/ e) (e/ e)f|e/(d/B/)B/ d(e| g)g/g/ g/e/d|e/f/e/A/ GA/-(B/|B/)A/d/(A/ B/A/)G|(C/ E) (C/ E):||