Black Mary Hornpipe (2)
X:8 T:Black Mary's Hornpipee [2] A:England;London M:3/2 L:1/8 Q:1/2=100 S:J.Walsh,Third Book of the most celebrated jiggs,etc 1731 Z:Pete Stewart, 2004 <> with vmp revisions K:D AFDF AFDF G2E2|AFDF ABcde2E2|AFDF AFDFG2E2|afdf ecAc d2D2|| ecAc ecAc d2B2|ecAc efgea2E2|AFDF AFDF g2e2|afdf gecA d2D2|]
X:1 T:Black Mary's Hole M:3/2 L:1/8 R:Triple Hornpipe B: Wright's Compleat Collection of celebrated country Dances (1740, p. 34) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D AFDF AFDF G2E2|AFDF ABcd e2E2| AFDF A2D2 G2E2|afdf ecAc d2D2:| |:(ec)(Ac) (ec)(Ac) d2B2|e2A2 efga b2E2| AFDF AFDF g2e2|afdf gecA d2D2:|]