Blackbird and the Thrush (1) (The)
X:1 T:The Blackbird and the Thrush (1) M:3/4 L:1/8 S:Bunting (1796) K:Dmin A2A2 Bc|d2d2 (3def|e2 cABc|d2 z2 fd| c2 BAGF|G2 ABAG|F2D2 DF|D2 z2|| DE|F2G2 AB|(3AGF D2 (3def|e2 cABc| d2 z2 fd|c2 BAGF|G2 ABAG|F2D2 DF|D6||
X:1 T:Blackbird and the Thrush [1], The M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Quick" N:”Very Ancient, Author and date unknown.” B:Bunting – Ancient Music of Ireland (1840, p. 3) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A (.c2|{^B}.c2) {B}.c2 (^d^e)|([F2f2][F2f2]) (f/g/a)|[G2g2] (^ec)(^de)|[F4f4] (a>f)| E2 {e}dc {c}(BA)|[F2B2] (cd) (cB)|{BA}F4 {^E}F2|{FA}F4|| (F>G)|[F2A2][G2B2] (c>d)|.c2 (AF) (f/g/a)|.g2 (^ec) (^de)|[c4f4](a>f)| [B2e2] (dc) (BA)|[F2B2] (cd) (cB)|{BA}F4 {^E}F2|[C4F4||