Bustle Her in the Blanket
BUSTLE HER IN THE BLANKET. English, Reel. England, Northumberland. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Appears as "Buslir in the Blanket" in the manuscript, and is apparently unique to Vickers' collection.
Printed source: Seattle (William Vickers), 1987, Part 3; No. 548.
X:1 T:Buslir in the Blanket T:Bustle Her in the Blanket M: L:1/8 R:Reel S:William Vickers' music manuscript, Northumberland 1770 K:D A|dAFA dAFA|dfeg (f/g/a) e2|dAFA dAFA|GBAG F2D:| g|f2 ed Bc d2|egfd c2A2|B2 AG FGAF|GBAG F2D:||
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