Duchess D. of Richmond's Strathspey (The)
Duchess D. of Richmond's Strathspey (The): Annotations
X:1 % T:Duchess D. of Richmond's Strathspey, The M:C L:1/8 S:Marshall - 1822 Collection Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:E G|~E2 BG B<B B>G|B/d/e/f/ a/g/f/e/ fFFG|~E2 BG B<B B>a|a/g/f/e/ g/f/e/d/ eEE:| a|g>f e<B egeB|c/d/e/f/ e/d/c/B/ c<f f>a|g>fe>B eg bB|~c>B c/B/A/G/ Beea| g>f e<B egeB|c/d/e/f/ e/d/c/B/ c<f f>a|~g<bf<g e<g c>e|~B>e fe/f/ gee||