Duchess of Hamilton's Delight
X: 1 T:Forrest [sic], The T:Duchess of Hamilton's Delight M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:"Irish" B:Gow - 2nd Collection of Niel Gow's Reels, 3rd ed., pg. 6� (1788) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D (DED) T(FEF)|d2d def|(DED) TF2G|AFD TE2D|DED TFEF| d2d d2e|fdc TB>cd|1 AFD E2D:|2 AGF EFA||:B>cB TBAF| A>BA AFA|B>cB TBAF|{B}AGF EFG|B>cB TBAF| AFG ABc|1 dfe dcB|{B}AGF EFA:|2 def efd|ABG FGE||