Duke of Argyle's Strathspey (1) (The)
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X:1 T:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey [1], The M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey N:"A very old tune" N:"Very slow, with expression" S:Gow - First Collection of Niel Gow's Reels (1784, revised 1801), p. 28 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D (A,2D2) !trill!E>D D>E|D2 {DE}F>D ~E>D D2|!trill!F2 {F}G>F {F}E>D {D}C>B,|.A,.D.A,.D !trill!E>D D2:| |:A,2!trill!d2 (e>d) (d>B)|c>A GE (FD) !trill!^C>B,|A,2!trill!d2 ed d>=c|(A<=c) (G<c) !trill!E>D D2:| |:A,2!trill!d2 ed d>e|A2 =c>G ~[Gc>]d (=f/e/)d/^c/|~d>e =f>g {f}ed de|(Ad) (.d.d) {f}e>d d2:| |:A,2!trill!d2 (e<d) (d>B)|{B}=c>A GE (F>D) !trill!^C>B,|A,2!trill!d2 e>d d>=c|(A<=c) G>c !trill!E>D D2:||