Duke of Kent's March (1)
Duke of Kent's March (1): Annotations
X:1 % T:Duke of Kent's March [1] M:C L:1/8 R:March N:The front page of the publication indicates the volume was compiled by Elias Howe N:and arranged by "Messers. A.P. Knight and H. Seipp, of the Boston Brigade Band". B:Elias Howe - "First Part of the Musician's Companion" (Boston, 1842, p. 17). Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K: D F>G|A4 B>cd>B|A2 d>d d2e2|f2 e>f g2f2|e2 e>e e2 F>G| A4 B>cd>B|A2 d>d d2e2|f>dg>e d2c2|d2 d>d d2:| |:a>g|fd/d/ dd d2 g>f|e2 A>A A2 g>f|eA/A/ AA Aceg|f2 d>d d2 F>G| A4 B>cd>B|A2 d>d d2 e2|f>dg>e d2c2|d2 d>d d2:|]
X:2 % T:Duke of Kent's March [1] M:4/4 L:1/8 R:March S:Howe - Complete Preceptor for the Accordeon (1843) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C E>F | G4 A>Bc>A | G2 c>c c2d2 | e2 d>e f2e2 | d2 d>d d2 E>F | G4 A>Bc>A | G2 c>c c2d2 | e>cf>d c2B2 | c2 c>c c2 :| g>f | ec/c/ cc c2 f>e | d2 G>G G2 f>e | dG/G/ GG GBdf | e2 c>c c2 E>F | G4 A>Bc>A | G2 c>c c2d2 | e>cf>d c2B2 | c2 c>c c2 |