Dutchess of Buccleugh's Favorite
Dutchess of Buccleugh's Favorite: Annotations
X:1 T:Dutchess (sic) of Buccleughs Favorite M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:O'Farrell - Pocket Companion, vol. IV (1810) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D F/G/ | A>B B/A/G/F/ AFFd | A>BdF A2 AB | A>B (B/A/G/F/) dA {de}f>e | d>B B/A/G/F/ FE E>F | A>B (B/A/G/F/) AFFd | A>BdF A2 Af/g/ | a>fg>e {de} f>d {cd}e>c | dB{B}A{G}F FE E2 || b | affb affb | abd'f a2 ab | affb af f/a/b/c'/ | d'b{b}a{g}f fe eb | affb affg | a(b/c'/) d'f a2 ab/c'/ | d'/c'/b/a/ b/a/g/f/ g/f/e/d/ f/e/d/c/ | e/d/c/B/ B/A/G/F/ FE E2 ||