Give the Fiddler a Dram (1)
X:1 T:Give the Fiddler a Dram (1) N:From the playing of fiddler Clayton McMichen M:C| L:1/8 D:Joe Davis 3510 (78 RPM), Clayton McMichen and His Georgia Wildcats (1932) N:Recorded in NYC August, 1932, for Gennett Records. "These sides are dubs N:from (presumably) test pressings made from the original Crown masters, N:rather than from the masters themselves" []. N:The Wildcats for this cut were Clayton McMichen (fid.), Oddie McWinders (ban.), and Hoyt "Slim" Bryant D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G g2-|g2 gb gedc|BGBG [G3B3]cB|AF[FA]F [FA]FAc|(B[GB])[GB][GB] [G2B2]e-g-| gfgb gedc|BGBG [G3B3]cB|AF[FA]F [FA]FAc|(B[GB])[GB][GB] [G2B2]|| |:[G2_B2]-|[G=B][GB][GB][GB] [GB][GB]dc|[GB]G[GB]G [G2B2][Gc]-[GB]|AF[FA]F [FA]FAc|(B[GB])[GB][GB] [G2B2]:| e-g-|gfgb gg[dg]d|bgbg bgbg|fgag fgaf|gfga gede| gfgb g2dg|bgbg b2a2-|ab Je'2e2f2|[B3g3][Ba] [B2g2]||
X:1 T:Give the Fiddler a Dram T:Dance all Night N:From the playing of fiddler David Myers (Marshall N:County, southwest Ky.), recorded in the field in Oct., 1991 N:by Steve Rice. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G ef|gfga gedc|BBGG G2cB|AA[FA][FA] DEFD|BA[GB][GB] [G2B2]ef| gfga gedc|BAGG G2cB|A2[FA][FA] DEFD|BA[GB][GB] [G2B2]|| (3DEF|G2 Bc dedc|B2GG G2cB|A2 [FA][FA] DEFD|BAGG G2(3DEF| G2 Bc dedc|BAGG G2cB|A2 [FA][FA] DEFD|BAG2 [G2B2]|| ef|gfga g2dg|babc' bag^g-|a2ab agdd|gfga g2ef| gfga ggdg|babc' b2b2-|d'2d'2-e2f2|[B6g6]||