Great Glen of Scotland (The)
Great Glen of Scotland (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Great Glen of Scotland, The T:My Great Glen of Scotland M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Slow Air S:Fraser - Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles (1816) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D d/>B/ | AFF D>F (F/G/) | A>(BA/G/) F2 d/>B/ | A.F.F F>(EF/G/) | AB>^A B>cd/>G/ | A.F.F D>F (F/G/) | A>BA/F/ {F}d2 (d/e/) | f>(ed/c/) {c}d(B/A/)(G/^E/) | FdTc {Bc}{c}B2 :| (a/g/) | f{^g}a{^g}a e{^g}a{^g}a | {f}a>ba/=g/ {g}f2 a/g/ | Tf(a/^g/a/).f/ eT(a/g/a/).e/ | fb>^a b2 (b/c'/) | (d'/c'/)b/a/g/f/ (b/a/)g/f/e/d/ | {f}a>ba/g/ [d2f2] (d/e/) | Tf>ed/c/ {c}d(B/A/)(G/^E/) | FdTc {Bc} {c}B2 A/G/ | F.A.A E.A.A | A>(BA/G/) |F2G |Tf(A/^G/A/)F/ TE(A/G/A/).E/ | FB>^A B2 (B/c/) | (d/c/)B/A/G/F/ (B/A/)G/F/E/D/ | A>BA/G/ F2 D/>E/ |TF>ED EDC | CF^A, {C}B,2 ||
Great Glen of Scotland (The): Annotations