Howlet and the Weazel (The)
Howlet and the Weazel (The): Annotations
X:54 % T:Weazle,The. JJo5.054 B:J.Johnson Choice Collection Vol 5, 1750 Z:vmp.Steve mansfield 2015 T:Owlets and Weasels,aka. JJo5.054 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=120 K:A A>BA c2d | e>fe e2a | g2b B2d | c>Bc A3 | A>BA c2d | e>fe e2a | g2b B2^d | e6 :| |: e>fe e2c' | d>ed d2b | cBA edc | B6 | A>BA c2d | e>fe e2a | ecA dBG | A6 :|
X:1 % T:Weezle. Ru1.104, The B:Rutherford's Country Dances Vol 1, 1756 Z:village music project, Ruairidh Greig July 2015 T:Owlets and Weasels,aka. Ru1.104 T:Howlets and Weezles,aka. Ru1.104 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:A A>BA c2d|e>fee2a|g2bB2d|c>BcA3| A>BA c2d|e>fee2a|g2bB2^d|e6:| |:e>fee2c'|d>edd2b|cBA edc|B6| A>BAc2d|e>fee2a|ecA dBG|"rpt mark added"A6:| W:The first Man sets to the 2d. Wo. & turn his W:own Partner .| The first Wo. does the same with W:the 2d. Man Lead down the Middle & up again W:& cast off :| Right Hand & Left Quite round W:with the 2d. Couple :|
X:1 % T:Weazle [2], The M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Aird - Selection of Scots, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. II (1785) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G GAG B2c | ded d2g | f2a A2c | BAB G3 | GAG B2c | ded d2g | f2a A2^c | d3 d3 :| |: ded d2b | cdc c2a | BAG dcB | ADD D3 | GAG B2c | ded d2g | dBG cAF | G3 G3 :|
X:1 % T:Owlets & Weasels. HSJJ.003 M:6/8 L:1/8 S:HSJ Jackson,Wyresdale,Lancs.1823 R:Jig O:England A:Lancashire H:1823 Z:Chris Partington. F: K:G GAG B2c|dedd2g|f2aA2c|BABG3| GAGB2c|dedd2g|f2aA2c|d3d3:| |:dedd2b|cdcc2a|!BAG dcB|ADDD3| GAGB2c|dedd2g|dBG cAF|G3G3:|]
X:1 % T:Howlet and the Weazle, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:The British Minstrel and Musical and Literary Miscellany (1843, p. 108) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G GAG B2c|ded d2g|f2a A2c|BAB G3| GAG B2c|ded d2g|f2a A2^c|D3 D3:| |:ded d2b|cdc c2a|BAG dcB|cDD D3| GAG B2c|ded d2g|dBG cAF|G3 G3:|]
X:1 % T:Howlet and the Weazel, The M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G GAG B2c|ded d2g|f2a A2c|BAB G3|GAG B2c| ded d2g|f2a A2^c|d3 d3::ded d2b|cdc c2a|BAG dcB| cDD D3|GAG B2c|ded d2g|dBG cAF|G3 G3:||
Howlet and the Weazel (The): Annotations