Jockey Has Gotten a Wife
X: 1 T: Jockey has Gotten A Wife M:9/8 L:1/8 S:Neals' A Choice Collection of Country Dances, 1726 B:SOITD Z:ps (Peter Stewart tradtunes 2003-9-5 K:GDOR A | B>AG GD^F G2A | B>AG B>cd cA^F | B>AG GD^F G2G | FGFf2d cAF || g2g gdg g2a | bag gab ag^f | bag ag^f g2G | BcB f2d cAF |]
X: 1 T:Jocky Has Gotten a Wife M:9/4 L:1/4 S:'The Female Parson' opera by Ch. Coffey, 1730 B:SOITD N:this tune is titled #buttered peas' in SOITD; from the same source N:there is also the usual Buttered Peas tune with this title. Coffey got the N:Buttered Peas tune right in 1733 in 'The Board School' Z:ps (Peter Stewart tradtunes 2003-9-5 K:GDorian A|BAGGDGGDG|BAGGDGAFA|BAGGDGGDG|ABcBAGAFA|| Bcd g^fgG2B|ABcfef F2A|Bcd g^fgG2B| ABcfefF2A||