John Gow's Compliments to the Minstrels of Scotland
John Gow's Compliments to the Minstrels of Scotland: Annotations
X:1 % T:John Gow's Compliments to the Minstrels of Scotland M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Slow" C:John Gow (1764-1826) B:Gow - Sixth Collection of Strathspey Reels (1822) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Amin c/B/|A(A,C).E A>c .e/(a/^g/=g/|^f/=f/e/d/) {d}c/B/c/d/ cGG {d}c/B/|.A(A,C)E A>c .e/(a/^g/=g/| ^f/=f/e/d/ {d}c/B/c/d/) {c}BAA c/B/|AA,CE A>c e/>^g/ (3a/e/a/|(3=g/e/g/ (3f/d/f/ (3e/c/e/ (3d/B/d/ cGG c/B/| A(A,CE) A>c .e/(a/^g/=g/|^f/=f/e/d/) {d}c/B/c/d/ {c}BAA|| c/B/|(A/c/)e/c/ Ac/B/ A/(a/^g/)a/ Ac/B/|(A/c/)(e/c/) Ae/c/ B/(g/^f/).g/ Gc/B/| Ac' {c'd'}e'>c' {bc'}d'>b c'>a|b>a (^g/a/b/).g/ Ta2 Ac/B/|(3A/c/a/ (3a/c/a/ (3F/c/a/ (3a/c/a/ (3E/c/a/ (3a/c/a/ (3^D/c/a/ (3a/c/a/| (A,/A/c/).A/ (e/A/)(c/A/) BGG c/B/|A(CB,).E ^G,(A|E/)(A/^G/)(B/ A/)(c/B/).d/ cAA||
John Gow's Compliments to the Minstrels of Scotland: Annotations