Last night a story came to me in my dreams
Last night a story came to me in my dreams: Annotations
X:1 T:Last night a story came to me in my dreams T:Aréir a téiríghig sceul dhom trém neulta M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:"Tenderly" S:Joyce - Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F e|f2e2 gfed|c3A G2 Ac|d3A cAGA|F2F2F2 FG| A2A2 c2 de|f3e d2ef|g2fe dc AG|A2 AB A2 FG| A2 GA c2 de|f3e d2 ef|g2 fe dc A2|c2 de f2 cd/e/| f2 ef gfed|c3A G2 Ac| d3A cAG>F| F2F2 F3 ||
Last night a story came to me in my dreams: Annotations