Lieutenant Grant of the 10th Foot’s Strathspey
(Redirected from Lieut. Grant of the 10th Foot’s Strathspey)
Lieutenant Grant of the 10th Foot’s Strathspey: Annotations
X:1 T:Lieut. Grant of the 10th Foot’s Strathspey M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:MacIntyre – Collection of Slow Airs, Reels & Strathspeys (1794) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D f|e<Ac>A c/d/e Af|e>Ac>A d/c/B/A/ Gf|e<Ac>A c/d/e Af| g<be<g d/=c/B/A/ G:||:B|A<aa<b a>A e/g/a| A>ae>a g/e/d/B/ G>B|A<aa>b a>ga<b|g>ab>a g/e/d/B/ G:|
Lieutenant Grant of the 10th Foot’s Strathspey: Annotations