Little House Under the Hill (2)
X:1 T:House under the Hill, The T:Little House under the Hill [2] M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:”Brisk” B:Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 8 (1760, p. 17) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A c e2 (f/g/)|(a/g/f/e/) ac|aeac|Tg2B2|c e2 (f/g/)| (a/g/f/e/) ac|dfed|Tc2A2::(c/d/)e Ac|dfBd| (c/d/)e Ac|TB2E2|(c/d/)e Ac|dfBg|aefd| Tc2A2::Aaca|Aaca|Aaca|Tg2B2| A2 ec|a2 fd|ceBe|Tc2A2::Acea| Adfa|Acea|Tg2B2|Acea|Bdgb| Aefd|Tc2A2::(3aba c'e|(3aba c'e|(3gag be| (3gag be|(3aba c'e|(3fgf ac|dfed|Tc2A2:|]
X:1 T:Little House Under the Hill [2] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 1 (1782, No. 75, p. 27) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G c|Bdd(e/f/)|(g/f/)(e/d/) gd|gd gd|eAAc| Bdd(e/f/)|(g/f/e/d/) gB|ce (d/e/d/c/)|BG G2:| |:c|(B/c/d/B/) GB|ceAc|(B/c/d/B/) GB|ADDc| (B/c/d/B/) GB|ceAf|gdec|BGG:|]