Lord St. Vincent's Hornpipe (1)
X:25 T:Lord St.Vincent's Hornpipe [1]. BHp.25 M:C L:1/8 N:Notes are missing at the end of all three lines. Bar 5 N:is a repeat of bar 1 and the final bar follows the pattern N:of bar 8. Rests are used in bar 11 to the duration of the missing notes. N:Last two notes of bar 10-Looking at the pattern of the tune I strongly suspect these to be DE R:.Hornpipe Z:vmp. Peter Dunk 2013/15 B:Blackman - A Selection of the most favorite Hornpipes for the Violin ca1810-22 Q:1/4=140 K:Bb fe|d2B2B2dB|cBAG F2 FE|DFBF GecB|A2F2F2fe| d2B2B2dB|=e2c2c2cB|Acfa dbg=e|f2f2f2:| |:fe|dBAB dBAB|GEDE GE"NB"DE|cded edcB|A2F2F2de| fBAB gBAB|aBAB bBAB|GBce dBcA|B2B2B2:|
X: 1 T: Lord St. Vincent's hornpipe [1] T: Vinton's hornpipe R: hornpipe, reel M: C| L: 1/8 N: This tune is uncommon but not unique, it can also be found in in Ryan's N: Mammoth Collection (Boston, 1883), a little different and in Bb. Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> B: Anonymous manuscript tune book (1800-1840) p.25 F: http://www.asaplive.com/archive/browse_by_collection.asp N: The asaplive.com web site is complex, and links to its files don't usually work. F:http://jc.tzo.net/~jc/music/book/FARNE/Anonymous2/all.abc K: C gf | e2c2 c2ec | dcBA G2GF | EGcG Afdc | dcBA G2gf | e2c2 c2ag |f2d2 d2dc | Bdgb aba^f | g2g2 g2 :| |: gf | ecBc ecBc | AFEF AFEF |defe fedc | BcdB G2ef | gcBc acBc | bcBc c'cBc | Acdf ecdB | c2c2 c2 :|
X:1 T:St. Vincent's Hornpipe T:Lord St. Vincent's Hornpipe [1] M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:John Moore music manuscript (Shropshire c. 1837-40, Book 2, p. 64) B: https://www.vwml.org/topics/historic-dance-and-tune-books/Moore2 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb fe|dcBA BcdB|(3cdc (3BAG F2 FE|DFBF GecA|B2 B>B B2z2| dBdf eceg|fdfa gega|bagf =ef (3gab|a2f2f2:| |:fe|d>B (3BAB d>B (3BAB|G>E (3EDE G>E (3ECE|cBcd edcB|A>F (3F=EF AF (3FEF| f>B (3BAB g>B (3BAB|gfga b>B (3BAB|Ggfe dcBA|c2B2B2:|]