MacPherson's Rant (1)
X:1 T:Macpherson's testament M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:Margaret Sinkler manuscript N:parts of the tune are noted in dotted time, while other N:passages are straight--strathspey rhythm throughout the N:tune is implied N:Play ABCB B:Johnson - Scottish Fiddle Music in the 18th Century (1984, No. 23) K:F C2|F>AF>A G>AG>A|F>dF>c D2 C>D|F>AF>A G>AG>A|F>DE>D C3|| f|c>Fc>A c<GG>d|c>Fd>F D2 D>f|c>Fc>A c>G G>A|F<D E>D C3|| f|c<ca>f g>fg>f|g>fa>f d2 d>f|c<ca>f g>fa>f|g<fa>f c3||
X:1 T:MacPharson's Rant [1] M:C L:1/8 S:William Vickers' 1770 music manuscript collection (Northumberland) N:Matt Seattle finds the third strain to be in need of "extensive correction"; N:the version given here is as it appears in the manuscript. F: Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F C|F>GF>A G/G/G GA|F>GF>A D2C2|F>GF>A G/G/G GA|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C3:| |:c|F/F/F cA dGGA|F/F/F cF DDCc|F/F/F cA dGGA|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C3:| |:c|AFBG cBdB|FD BE EDCc|AF BG cA dB|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C3:|]
X:1 T:MacPherson's Rant [1] M:C L:1/8 S:Skinner - Harp and Claymore (1904) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G D | G>AGB A/G/A/B/ AG/F/ | G>A (B/A/).G/.F/ (E2 E) D | G>A GB A/G/A/B/ A(G/F/) | G>E (A/F/G/E/) (D2D) || B | .d.G.d.e .B.A.A.B | dG de E2 E2B | dG de BAA (G/F/) | G>E A/F/G/E/ (D2D) d | g>agb a/g/a/b/ a(g/f/) | g>a (b/a/g/f/) (e2e) d | g>agb a/g/a/b/ a(g/f/) | g>e (a/f/g/e/) (d2d) ||