Maid Amongst the Roses (The)
Maid Amongst the Roses (The): Annotations
X: 1 % T: Maid Amongst the Roses S: "The Roche Collection of Traditional Irish Music" [I/63/159] L: 1/8 M: 4/4 R: reel F: K: D BAFD D2 FD | D2 FA BEED | BAFD D2 EF |1 ABde fedB :|2 ABde fd d2 || a2 af a2 af | g2 ga be e2 | a2 af gedB | ABde fd d2 | a2 af a2 af | gfga be e2 | faef d2 dB | ABde fed>B |]
Maid Amongst the Roses (The): Annotations