Maiden's Blush (1) (The)
X:1 T:Maiden's Blush [1] T:Bump Her Belly M:6/4 L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:John Young - Second Volume of the Dancing Master (1718) N:"Longways for as many as will." Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A2|d2e2f2 e2f2d2|c3B A2 d4F2|G2A2B2 A2B2c2|d6 A2F2D2:|| |:A2|d2e2f2 e2f2g2|a2f2d2 e2c2A2|d2e2f2 e2f2g2|a2f2d2 e2c2A2| f2a4 f2a4|f2a4 f2a4|A2B2c2 A2B2c2|d4 A2F2D2:||
X:2 T:Bump Her Belly T:Maiden’s Blush [1] (The) M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Young – Second Volume of the Dancing Master, 1st edition (1710, p. 95) K:D A|def efd|c>BA d2F|GAB ABc|d2 A FD:| |:A|def efg|afd ecA|def efg|afd ecA| fa2 fa2|fa2 fa2|ABc ABc|d2A FD:|]
X:3 T:Bump Her Belly. JW6.119 O:England;London M:6/4 L:1/4 Z:vmp.Peter Dunk.2011.from a transcription by Paul Dennant S:John Walsh Jr. The Compleat Country Dancing Master.Vol 6 1756 Q:3/4=80 K:D A|def efd|c3/ B/ A d2 F|GAB ABc|d2 AFD:| |:A|def efg|afd ecA|def efg|afd ecA| f a2 f a2|f a2 f a2|ABc ABc|d2 AFD:|
X:4 T:Maiden's Blush [1], The M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Sharp - Country Dance Tunes (1909) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D (A | def efd | c>BA d2) (F | GAB ABc | d2A Fd) (d | def efd | c>BA d2) (F | GAB ABc | d2A FD) || |: d | (def efg | afd ecA) | (def) (efg) | (afd) (ecA) | (fa2) (fa2) | (fa2) (fa2) | (ABc) (ABc) | (d2A FD :|]