Maids of Mourne Shore (The)
X:1 T:Maids of the Mourne Shore, The M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Air B:Stanford/Petrie (1905, No. 302, p. 75) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A AB|c2 BA B2 ce|fe ae f2 ec|B2 cA B2A2|A4 z2 AB| c2 BA B2ce|fe ae f2 ec|B2 cA B2A2|A6|| e2|a2 ge f2a2|ge fg e2 ce|f2 ec ef ab|a6 AB| c2 BA B2 ce|fe ae f2 ec|B2 cA B2A2|A6||
X:1 T:Maids of Mourne Shore, The M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Doloroso" B:Batt Scanlon - "The Violin Made Easy and Attractive" (San Francisco, 1923, p. 34) N:Scanlon was a student of George Whelan, a North Kerry fiddle player and teacher Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A (AB)|c2 (BA) B2 (ce)|(f4 e2) (ae)|f2 .e.c (B3A)|F4 z2 (AB)|c2 (BA) B2 (ce)| (f4 {gf}e2) (ae)|f2 ec (B3"2"A)|"2"A6|:ue2|a2 .g.e (f2a2)|(g4e2) (ce)| f2 .e.c (ef) "1"a>"2"b|!fermata!"1"a6 (AB)|c2 BA B2 ce|(f4 {gf}e2) (ae)|f2 ec (B3"2"A)|!fermata!"2"A6:||