Merry Boys of Fore (The)
Merry Boys of Fore (The): Annotations
X: 1 T: Merry Boys of Fore T: Buachaill\'i Meidhreacha Bhaile Fhobhair S: B.Breathnach:"Ceol Rince na hEireann" IV/159 Z: B.Black [] L: 1/8 M: 4/4 R: reel F: K: D de|fedc ADDE|FGAB cBAG|fdec dcAG|Adce dgfe| dfec dfed|cAAB cdec|(3dcd ed cAAB|cAGE FD :| de|: fdde fded|cAAB cdea|fage fddc|ABcd eaag| fdde fded|cAAB cdea|fdec dcAG|cAGE FD D2 :|
Merry Boys of Fore (The): Annotations