Merry Conceit (2) (The)
Merry Conceit (2) (The): Annotations
X:1 % T:Merry Conceit [2], The C:Nathaniel Kynaston M:6/4 L:1/8 R:Jig B:John Young -- Second Volume of the Dancing Master (1710) N:"Longways for as many as will." N:"The first strain is to be play'd twice, and the last but once." Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F c2|f2a2f2 g2b2g2|a6 f4e2|d2e2f2 g2d2f2|e6 c4B2| A2c2f2 B2d2f2|A2c2f2 G4B2|A2c2f2 f4e2|f5-f4|| a2|g2e2c2 c2e2f2|a6 f4e2|d3ef2 e2f2d2|^c6 A4e2| af2a2f2 e2a2e2|f2a2f2 e2a2e2|f3e d2 A2d2^c2|d6-d4 de| f2e2d2 c2B2A2|G2A2B2 A2B2c2|d3e f2 g2d2f2|e6 c4fg| a4z2 b4z2|a4z2 g2e2c2|d2e2f2 f4e2|f6-f4||
X:1 % T:Merry Conceit [2] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Young – Second Volume of the Dancing Master, 1st edition (1710, No. 183) K:F c|faf gbg|a3 f2e|def gdf|e3 c2B| Acf Bdg|Acf G2B|Acf f2e|f3-f2:|| a|gec cfg|a3 f2e|d>ef efd|^c3 A2e| faf eae|faf eae|fed d2^c|d3-d2 d/e/| fed cBA|GAB ABc|def gdf|e3 c2 f/g/| a2z b2z|a2z gec|def f2e|f3-f2||
X:3 % T:Merry Conceit [2], The C:Nathaniel Kynaston M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F c|:faf gbg|a3f2e|def gdf|e3 c2B| Acf Bdf|Acf G2B|Acf f2e|1 f3-f2c:|2 f3-f2a|| gec ceg|a3 f2e|d>ef efd|^c3 A2e| faf eae|faf eae|fed Ad^c|d3-d2 d/e/| fed cBA|GAB ABc|d>ef gdf|e3 c2 f/g/| a2z b2z|a2z gec|def f2e|f3-f2z||
Merry Conceit (2) (The): Annotations