Miss Garden of Troop’s Strathspey
Miss Garden of Troop’s Strathspey: Annotations
X:1 T:Miss Garden of Troop’s Strathspey M:C| L:1/8 R:Stathspey S:Petrie – 4th Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jiggs and Country Dances (1805) K:F C|F<F A2 c>F A2|G>CE>C (E/F/)G/F/ E>C|F<F A2 c>FA>c| d>B c/B/A/G/ F2F:||C|Tf>ef>d Tg>fg>a|b>ga>f e/f/g/f/ e>c| Tf>ef>d Tg>fg>a|b>g e/f/g/e/ f2 f>c|Tf>ef>d Tg>fg>a| b>ga>f e/f/g/f/ e>c|d>B ~f2 c>A ~d2|c>F A/G/F/E/ F2F||
Miss Garden of Troop’s Strathspey: Annotations