O'er the Muir to Ketty
X:1 T:O'er the muir to Katie M:C| L:1/8 B:David Young – “A Collection of Scotch Airs with the latest Variations Book II” B:AKA – The McFarlane Manuscript (c. 1741, No. 143, p. 201) F: https://rmacd.com/music/macfarlane-manuscript/collection/pdfs/o_er_the_muir_to_katie.pdf N:The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland K:D TF>E|TD3 F ABAF|A2d2Td3A|Bcde f2 (e/d/)|e2E2TE2 FE| D3F ABAF|A2d2Td3A|BcdB edce|d2D2TD2:| |:d/e/|fedB ABdA|B2d2Td3F|GABA BAGF|E2e2Te2 de| fedf edce|dcTBA BAGF|EFGE AGTFE|D2d2Td2:|]
X:1 T:O'er the Muir to Ketty M:C| L:1/8 R:Scots Measure B:McGlashan - Collection of Scots Measures (c. 1781) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D FE|D3F A>BAF|A2d2d3A|Bcde f2 ed|e2E4 FE| D3F A>BAF|A2 de d3A|BcdB edce|d2 D4 FE| D3F A>BAF|A2 de c3A|Bcde f2 ed|e2 (E2 E)GFE| D3F A>BAF|A2 de c3A|BcdB edce|d2D4|| de|fedc BAGF|B2d2d3F|G3A BAGF|E2 e4 ag| fedf edce|dcBA BAGF|EFGE AGFE|D2 d4 de| fedc BAGF|B2de d3F|GFGA BAGF|E2e4 ag| fedf edce|dcBA BAGF|E/D/E/F/ GB AGFE|D2 d4||
X:1 T:O'er the Muir to Kettie [2] M:C| L:1/8 B: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/87709321 B: Neil Stewart – Select Collection of Scots, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, Jiggs & B:Marches, vol. 1 (Edinburgh, 1788, No. 58, p. 27) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D FE|D3F ABAF|A2d2 d3A|Bcde {g}f2 (ed)|e2 E4 FE| D3F ABAF|A2d2d3A|BcdB edce|d2 D4:| |:de|fedB ABdA|B2d2 d3F|GAB=c BAGF|E2e4 ag| fedf edce|dcBA BAGF|EFGE AGFE|D2 d4:|]
X:1 T:O'er the Muir to Katty M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:William Mackie manuscript collection (Aberdeen, early 19th century, B:after 1814, p. 34) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D FE|D3F ABAF|A2d2d3B|ABde gfed|e2E2E2 FE| D3F AB AF|A2d2d3B|ABde fgef|d2D2D2:| |:d>e|fedB ABcF|A2d2 d3F|G3A BAGF|E2e2e2 ag| fedf edce|dcBA BAGF|EFGE AGFE|D2d2d2:|]
X:21 T:O'er The Muir To Katie [2]. Roose.0735 M:C| L:1/4 Q:1/4=100 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project, Steve Mansfield 2019 K:D F/E/ | D>F A/B/A/F/ | Add>A | B/c/d/e/ {g}fe/d/ | eE2 F/E/ | D>F A/B/A/F/ | Add>A | B/c/d/B/ e/d/c/e/ | dD2 :| |: d/e/ | f/e/d/B/ A/B/d/A/ | Bdd>F | G/A/B/=c/ B/A/G/F/ | Ee2 a/g/ | f/e/d/f/ e/d/c/e/ | d/c/B/A/ B/A/G/F/ | E/F/G/E/ A/G/F/E/ | Dd2 :|