Old Man and Old Woman a-Quarrelin'
Old Man and Old Woman a-Quarrelin': Annotations
X:1 T:Old Man and Old Woman a-Quarrelin', The M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel N:Drone strings thoughout S:fiddler Walter Ireland (1944, southwestern Pa.) B:Bayard - Dance to the Fiddle, March to the Fife (1981, No. 239) K:D D2A2 A>G F>D|E>DE>F G>F E2|D2F2 A>GF>D|E>DE>G F2D2:| |:{ABc}d3 d/e/ d2 (3ABc|d>A F>D (3EFE D2|d3 d/e/ d>B A>G|F>DE>G F2D2:| |:d2 f>d a>gf>d|e>de>f g>f e2|d2 f>d a>gf>d|e>de>g f2d2:|]
Old Man and Old Woman a-Quarrelin': Annotations