Old Time Wedding Reel (2)
Old Time Wedding Reel (2): Annotations
X:1 T:Old Time Wedding Reel #2 T:Hamish the Carpenter D:Boys of the Lough, Welcoming Paddy Home (1986) Z:Nigel Gatherer M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Ador A2 GE GAgf | e2 dB de g2 | A2 GE GAgf | egdB AAAB | A2 GE GAgf | e2 dB de g2 | (3efg dB GABd | (3efg dB G2 G2 |] eaab a2 ge | gaba ge d2 | eaab a2 ge | dBgB BA A2 :|]
X:2 T:Old Time Wedding Reel #2 T:Hamish the Carpenter T:Och a Chiallain R:Reel A:Cape Breton S:Sandy MacIntyre N:From the playing of Sandy MacIntyre Z:Transcribed Nov 20 1998 by Wil Macaulay M:C L:1/8 K:Amin B | A2GE GABd | e2dB degB | A2GE GABd | egdB A/A/A AB | A2GE GABd | e2dB dega | gedB GABd | egdB A/A/A A || B | Aaab a2ge | gaba gegd | eaab a2ge | dBgB A/A/A A B, | A,aab a2ge | gaba gegd | egab ageg | dBgB A/A/A A ||
Old Time Wedding Reel (2): Annotations