Over the Moor among the Heather (1)
X:1 T:An I had thee ‘mong the heather M:C| L:1/8 N:Early version of "Over the Moor among the Heather [1]" B:David Young – “A Collection of Scotch Airs with the latest Variations Book II” B:AKA – The McFarlane Manuscript (c. 1741, No. 196, p. 238) F:https://rmacd.com/music/macfarlane-manuscript/collection/pdfs/an_i_had_thee__mong_the_heather.pdf N:The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland K:G DEGA GAGD|EGAB ABAE|GABG ABdg|edgB ABAG:| |:Gg2a gagd|ea2 b abag|bgae dega|TgegB ABAE:|]
X:1 T:In the Moor among the Heather [1] M:C| L:1/8 B:Thompson's Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol.2 (1765) Z:Transcribed and edited by Fynn Titford-Mock, 2007 Z:abc's:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G DEGB GEGE|EAAB ABAG|GABd dega|begB ABAG:| |:dega fagd|eaab abag|bage dega|begB ABAG:|]
X:1 T:Over the Moor Amang the Hather [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:William Vickers' 1770 music manuscript collection (Northumberland) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G DGGA GAGE|EAAB ABAG|DGGA Bdgd|edgd AG E2:| |:dgga gage|eaab abag|bgaf|degd|edgB AG E2:|]
X:1 T:O’er the Moor to Moggie [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Straight and Skillern – Two Hundred and Four Favourite Country Dances, vol. 1 (c. 1775, No. 142, p. 71) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D(GGA)|GAGD|G(AAB)|cBAB| GABc|dege|e/f/g dB|ABAG:| |:d(gga)|gage|daab|abag| Bage|dege|(e/f/g) dB|ABAG:|]
X:1 T:O’er the Moor among the Hether [sic] M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Robert Petrie – Third Collection of Strathspey Reels (p. 26) N:Dedicated to Francis Garden Esq. Junior of Troup by N:Robert Petrie at Kirkmichael. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (DGGB) GBGD|E(AAB) ABAG|GABc degd|(e/f/g) (dB) ABAG:| |:G(gg)a gagd|(eaab) abag|(b/a/g) (a/g/e) dega|gedB ABAG:|
X:1 T:O'er the Moor Amang the Heather [1] M:C| L:1/8 S:Gow - 3rd Repository (1806) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G D<(GG)A G>AGD|E(AA>)B A>BAG|GABc de/f/ gd|(e/f/g) B>g A>BAG:| G(gg>)a g>agd|e(aa>)b a>bag|bagf (de/)f/ gd|(e/f/)g Bg A>BAG| G(gg>)a g>agd|e(aa>)b a>bag|(b/a/g) (a/g/f) de/f/ gd|(e/f/g) dB A>BAG|]
X:2 T:O'er the Muir amang the heather [1]. a Reel. R:reel M:C L:1/8 B:Complete Tutor Violin (c. 1815) Z:Dr. Evan Jones [Ed.] K:G (B/c/) | d<GB>G FAA(B/c) | d<GB<G d>Gc>e | dGBG FAA(B/c/) | dGB>A G2 G :| |d | g>db<g f<aa>b | g<db<g e<gd<B |c<aB<g A>Bc>e | d<GB>A G2 (Gd) | g>db>g (f<aa>b) | g<db<g e<gd<B | c<aB<g A>Bc>e | d<gaf g2 g |]
X:1 T:O'er the Moor Among the Heather [1] (Old Scotch) M:C L:1/8 Q:"Allegro" B:Wilson - Companion to the Ball Room (1816, p. 46) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G D<GG>A G>AGD|E<AA>B A>BAG|B>ABc d/>e/2f/4 gd|e<gd>B A>BAG:| |:G>gg>a g<ag<d|e<aa>b a>ba<g|b>age d>eba|g>e d/e/g/B/ A>BAG:|]
X:1 T:O'er the Moor T:Over the Moor among the Heather (1) M:2/4 L:1/16 R:Country Dance Tune B:”Melodist: A Collection of music in two volumes" (1826-1859, No. 54, p. 30) N:The melodist is a musician's ms., probably by a fiddler, that contains both N:tunes and songs from a variety of sources, American and European. The N:inscription on the inside cover reads, "This is from the Bridge family of N:Augusta, Maine (Horatio Bridge, friend of Hawthorne's)". However, entries in N:the ms. were in different hands indicating several contributors. N:The ms. is neat and the notation studied and precise. F:https://archive.org/details/Melodist/page/n31/mode/2up?view=theater Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G DG3G3A|G3AG2F2|EA3A2B2|G3AB3c|d3e/f/ g2d2|eg3dg3|B4A4:| |:Gg3g3a|g3ag2f2|ea3a3g|a3bg2a2|b3ag2e2|dB3g3d|eg3 eg3|B4A4:|
X:1 T:Owre the Muir among the Heather [1]--Variations M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Moderato" B:Köhlers' Violin Repository vol. 3 (1885, p. 240) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D A,2D2(D3E)|(DE)FE D2A,2|B,2E2(E3F)|(G2F2)E2D2| F2A2A2(Bc)|(d3e) {d}(f3e)|d3B (BA)GF|(EF)GF (E2D2):| |:A2d2(d3e)|(de)fe d2A2|B2e2 (e3f)|{a}(g3f)e2d2| (f3e)d2B2|A2(Bc) (d3e)|.d3.B (BA)GF|(EF)GF (E2D2):| |:A,B,DE DA,DE|FGEF DEDA,|B,DEF EB,EF|(GF)dF (E2D2)| DEFG (A3B)|(AF)AB d3e|(fd)eB (dA)BF|(E>F)GF (E2D2):| |:Ad (dc/d/) fd (dc/d/)|Adfe d2A2|E^GB^d edef|.e(a/g/) .f(g/f/)e2d2| edef dABd|AF {F}ED ABde|(fd)eB (dA)BF|(E>F)GF E2D2:||