Parson in the Suds
X: 1 T:Parson in the Suds. JJo6.105, The B:J.Johnson Choice Collection Vol 6, 1751 Z:vmp.Ruairidh Greig 2015 T:Devil in the Bush,aka. JJo6.105 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:G f|g2dc|"tr"B2AG|FGAB|cAAf|(g/f/e/f/ g)d|"tr"B2AG|FGAc|BGG:| |:B|DGBG|AGBG|DGBG|cAAB|cdef|gdcB|cAdc|BGG:|
X: 1 T:Parson in the Suds,The. JBa.43 T:May Day,aka. JBa.43 T:England's Glory,aka. JBa.43 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=80 S:Joseph Barnes MS,Carlisle,1762. R:.reel O:England A:Carlisle N:No key signature given, but version from Rutherford is in G Z:vmp.C.Graebe. K:CMajor N:"_no key sig,See note - tune as in ms" g/f/e/f/) gd cBAG|FGAB cA A2 (g/f/e/f/) gd cBAG FGAc BG G2 :|! |:B2 DG BG AG BG DG BG cAA2 cd ef ge dB cA dc BG G2 ||! zzzz|! K:G major N:"^Edited by ref. to Country Dances, Pub.Rutherford 1758" |:z|(g/f/e/f/) gd cBAG| FGAB cA A2 | (g/f/e/f/) gd cBAG| FGAc BG G :|! |:B| DGBG AGBG |DGBG cAAB | cdef gedB| cAdc BG G:|
X:1 T:Parson in the Suds L:1/8 R:Reel B:Aird - Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 1 (1782, No. 134) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G f|g2 dc|B2 AG|FGAB|cAAf|(g/f/e/f/) gd|B2 AG|FGAc|BG G2:| |:B|DGBG|AGBG|DGBG|cAAB|cdef gdcB|cAdc|BG G2:|]
X: 1 T:Parson in the Suds. Ya.08, The B:Yarker MS, Cumbria, 1797 T:Devil in a Bush,aka. Ya.08, The T:May Day,aka. Ya.08 T:England's Glory,aka. Ya.08 F: Z:vmp. Transcribed by David Jacobs Jan 2016 L:1/8 M:2/4 Q:1/4=120 F: K:G e2|:g2dc|B2AG|ABcd|cAAf|g/f/e/g/ gd|B2AG|FGAB|BGG2:| |:DGBG|AGBG|DGBG|cAAB|cdef|gdcB|cAdc|BGG2"End":|]
X:257 T:Parson in the Suds,The. RH.257 T:Devil in a Bush,aka. RH.257 R:reel S:Rev.R.Harrison's MS,c1815,Cumbria N:cf. A music of May Day, aka Parson in the Suds, in N:Hard Core English, by Barry Callghan. PJH. O:England A:Temple Sowerby,Cumbria Z:vmp.Simon Wilson. Review PJH, 2008. M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=150 K:G f|g2 dc|B2 AG|FG AB|cA Af|\ g/f/e/g/ gd|B2 AG|FG AB|BG G:|! |:B|DG BG|AG BG|DG BG|cA AB|\ cd ef|gd cB|cA dc|BG G:|
X:1 T:Parson in the Suds M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:John Clare manuscripts K:G d|gfgd cBAG|FGAB cAAf|gfgd cBAG|DGAc BGG:| |:z2|DGBG DGBG|DGBG cAAB|DGBG DGBG|dedB BGGB| DGBG DGBG|DGBG cAAB|cdef gedc|BdAc BGG:|]
X:1 T:Parson in the Sudds [sic] M:2/4 L:1/8 S:John Rook music manuscript (1842, Cumbria) K:G f|g2 dc|B2 AG|FGAB|cAAf|g2 dc|B2 AG|FGAB|BGG:| |:B|DGBG|AGBG|DGBG|cAAB|(cd)(ef)|gdcB|cAdc|BGG:|
X:197 T:Bason in the Suds N:A version of “Kincaldrum,” “Devil in a Bush,” “Parson in N:the Suds [2],” and Aird’s “Colonel Wemys’ Reel [2]. O: No 197 William Clarke Feltwell N:May Day,aka. JBa.43 N:England's Glory,aka. JBa.43 N:Similar to Joseph Barnes MS,Carlisle,1762.quebeC3* Parson in the suds Z:Transcribed by David Dolby 2010 M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G major f|g2 dc|B2 AG|FGAB| cAAf | (g/f/e/f/) gd|B2 AG| FGAc |BGG :|! |:B| DGBG |AGBG |DGBG| cAAB | cdef| gdcB| cAdc | BGG:|]