Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow (1)
X:1 T:Pretty Maid Milking the Cow [1], The M:3/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:”Andantino” B:William Forde – 300 National Melodies of the British Isles (c. 1841, p. 6, No. 16) B: N:William Forde (c.1795–1850) was a musician, music collector and scholar from County Cork Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb G/>A/|(Bd)B|(Ac)A|(G^F) G>A|(Bd)B|(Ac)A|G2 G/>A/| (Bd)B|(Ac)A|(G^F) (d/>c/|B>AG)|(DG)>^F|G2||G/>A/| (B>cd/e/)|(fcB)|(A<F) G/>A/|(B/A/B/c/d/e/)|(fd^f)|!fermata!g2 (g| =f/d/c/B/)|(A<F) !fermata!d/>c/|B>AG (D<G)^F|G2||
X:1 T:Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow [1], The M:3/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:”Plaintive” B:J. Clinton – Gems of Ireland: 200 Airs (1841, No. 17, p. 9) H:Irish-born Clinton was a flute teacher for the Royal Academy, London Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bmin (B/>c/)|(df>).d|(ce>).c|(B^A) (B/>c/)|(df>).d |(ce>).c| B2 .B/>.c/|(df>).d|(ce>).c|(B^A) B/>c/|(d>c).B|(F<B)^.A|B2|| .c|.d/>.c/.d/>.e/.f/>.g/|(af).d|(cA) .c|.d/>.c/.d/>.d/.>e/.f/>.g/|(af) ^.a| .b>.c’!fermata!.d-|a-g>.f|(ef).d|(cA) .B/>.c/|(d>c).B|(F<B)^.A|B2||
X:1 T:Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow [1] M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:”Slow” S:O’Neill – Music of Ireland (1903), No. 102 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin AB | c2e2c2 | B2d2B2 | A2 (G4 | G4) AB | c2e2c2 | B2d2B2 | (A6 | A4) AB | c2e2c2 | .B2g2.B2 | .A2 (G4 | G4) e>d | c2B2A2 | E2A2B2 | (A6 | A4) || AB | c2d2e2 | e2^f2^g2 | a2 (A4 | A4) AB | c2d2 e{f/e/}d | e2a2{b}b2 | (a6 | a2) b3a | g2e2d2 | .B2g2.B2 | .A2 (G4 | G4) ed | c2B2A2 | E2A2B2 | (A6 | A4) ||
X:1 T:Pretty Girl Milkin’ Her Cow [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:”Straight Jig” B: Robbins Music Corp. – “The Robbins collection of 200 jigs, reels and country B:dances” (New York, 1933; No. 113, p. 35 ) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin A/B/|.c(e/c/) .B(d/B/)|(A/G/ E2) (A/B/)|.c/.c/.e/.c/ Bd/B/|.A.E.A (A/B/)| .c(e/c/) .B(d/B/)|(A/G/ E2) (e/d/)|c/B/A/G/ E/AB/|.A.c.A:| |:G|(c/d/e/f/) g(e/c/)|(B/A/) .G2 .G|(c/d/e/f/) (ge/g/)|a3 a| (gf/e/) (de/c/)|(B/A/G) (A/B/)|(c/e/c/A/) (E/AB/)|.A.E.A:|]