Pretty Red Girl (2) (The)
X:1 T:Pretty Red Girl [2], The T:An cailín deas ruadh M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"With expression" S:Joyce – Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Ddor FG|A2A2B2|G4 AG|F3A GE|E2D2D2|D4 DE| F2 GFED|F3G AB|c2A2G2|A2d2d2|d4 AG| F2 GFED|F3G AB|c2A2G2|A2d2de| f4 (3edc|d2 edcA|d3c AG|F3A GE|E2D2D2|D4||
X:1 T:Cailín deas ruad, An T:Pretty Red Girl [2], The M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:"Con espressione" B:Batt Scanlon - "The Violin made Easy and Attractive" (San B:Francisco, 1923, p. 27 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G (Bc)|d2d2d2|c4 dc|(B4c2)|A2"1"G2"1"G2|"G6-|G4 G2|(B2A2)G2| (B2c2) (de)|=f2 (d2c2)|d2 (g3f)|(g6|g4) G2|B3-c (de)|=f2 (d2c2)| d2 (g3"1"a)|!fermata!"2"b4 ("1"ag)|g4 fd|c4 dc|B4 c2|(A2"1"G2)"1"G2|"1"G4!D.C.!||