Put the Cake in the Dresser
Put the Cake in the Dresser: Annotations
X:16 T:Cooley's T:Cooley's T:Cooleys T:Cooney's T:Joe Cooley T:Joe Cooley's T:Joe Cooley's Fancy T:Luttrell's Pass T:Put The Cake In The Dresser T:Put The Cake On The Dresser T:Tulla, The M:4/4 L:1/8 F: http://www.feardearg.com/sessionite/docs/sessionite.abc R:reel K:Emin |:D2|EBBA B2 EB|B2 AB dBAG|FDAD BDAD|FDAD dAFD| EBBA B2 EB|B2 AB defg|afe^c dBAF|DEFD E2:| |:gf|eB B2 efge|eB B2 gedB|A2 FA DAFA|A2 FA defg| eB B2 eBgB|eB B2 defg|afe^c dBAF|DEFD E2:| W:Variation from donnchad K:Cmin |:F|CGGC G2 CG|G2 FG BGFE|(3DCB, FB, GB,FB,|DB,DF BFDB,| CGGC G2 CG|G2 FG Bcde|fdcd BGFB|B,CDF C3:| |:d|cG ~G2 cede| cG ~G2 ecBG|(3FGF DF B,FDF|GFDF Bcde| cG ~G2 cede| cG ~G2 Bcde| fdcd BGFB| B,CDF C3:|
Put the Cake in the Dresser: Annotations