ABC Semantic Vocabulary Specification 0.1

Namespace Document 2011, August 22 - First Edition

This version: (rdf)
Valerio M. Pelliccioni
Andrew Kuntz

Copyleft: © Valerio M. Pelliccioni

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike - Non Commercial License. This copyright applies to the ABC Semantic Vocabulary Specification and accompanying documentation in RDF. Regarding underlying technology, ABC uses W3C's RDF technology, an open Web standard that can be freely used by anyone.


This specification describes the ABC Semantic language, based on abc music standard 2.1 (DRAFT - Apr-Aug 2011), and defined as a dictionary of named properties and classes using W3C's RDF technology.

Status of This Document


The ABC RDF namespace, is fixed and it's identifier is not expected to change. Efforts are underway to ensure the long-term preservation of the ABC namespace, its domain name and associated documentation.

This document is created by combining the RDFS/OWL machine-readable ABC ontology with a set of per-term documents. Future versions may incorporate multilingual translations of the term definitions. The RDF version of the specification is also embedded in the HTML of this document, or available directly from the namespace URI by content negotiation.

The ABC Semantic specification is produced as part of the Traditional Tune Archive project, to provide authoritative documentation of the contents, status and purpose of the RDF/XML vocabulary and document formats known informally as 'ABC Semantics'.

The authors welcome comments on this document, preferably via email (at the moment) Valerio M. Pelliccioni; Proposals for resolving these issues are welcomed. Further work is also needed on the explanatory text in this specification and on the Traditional Tune Archive website; progress towards this will be measured in the version number of future revisions to the ABC Semantic specification.

Table of Contents

ABC Semantic at a glance

An a-z index of ABC Semantic terms, by class (categories or types) and by property.

Classes: | File | Fragment | MusicCode | Tune | TuneHeader | TuneBody | TuneBook

Object Properties: | aka | book | composer| discography | group | history | origin | source | transcriber

DataType Properties: |fileurl | key | meter | notes | part | rhythm | score | tempo | title | unitnotelength


Here is a very basic document describing a traditional tune:

 <abc:Tune rdf:about="#jackeylayton">
 <abc:title>Jackey Layton</abc:title>
 <abc:fileurl rdf:resource="" />
 <abc:aka>Jennie Rock the Cradle</abc:aka>
 <abc:aka rdf:resource="" />
 <abc:book rdf:resource="" />
 <abc:discography>Topic TSCD 529, Cut & Dry Band</abc:discography>
 <abc:group>Northumbrian smallpipes</abc:group>
 <abc:history>Another tune in which the provenance is debatable</abc:history>
 <abc:notes>See also listing at: Jane Keefer?~@~Ys Folk Music Index</abc:notes>
 <abc:origin>Scottish, English, Irish; Reel and Country Dance Tune</abc:origin>
 <abc:tempo>"allegro" 1/4=120</abc:tempo>
 <abc:source>Scottish Drummond Castle Manuscript</abc:source>
 <abc:transcriber rdf:resource=
 "" />
 <abc:score rdf:resource=
 "" />

This brief example introduces the basics of ABC Semantics. It basically says, "there is a abc:Tune with a abc:title property of 'Jackey Layton' and stands in a abc:aka relationship (also known as) to a tune called 'Jennie Rock the Cradle'; this tune stands in a abc:fileurl relationship to a thing called and a abc:book relationship (appears in) to a thing called, and so on.

Let's take an RDF browser like Q&D Browser or Tabulator (Firefox browser extension) as an example. The surfer uses the browser to display information about Jackey Layton from his ABC Semantics. The tune is identified with the URI When the surfer types this URI into the navigation bar, the browser dereferences this URI over the Web, asking for content type application/rdf+xml and displays the retrieved information (click here to have the Q&D RDF Browser do this).

To do things