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Annotation:Cáit Ní Dhuibhir

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X:1 T:Cáit ní Duibir M:C L:1/8 Q:"Con espressione" B:Batt Scanlon - "The Violin made Easy and Attractive" (San B:Francisco, 1923, p. 29 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G (BA)|(G3E) (DE)FD|(G3F) (GA)BG|!fermata!c2 (BA) (GE) (3DEF|E4 z2 (BA)|(G2E2) (DE)FD| (G3F) (GA)Bc|d3-"4"e (B2A2)|(G3F) G2|:(Bd)|"4"e3-c A2 .B.c|d4 (B3G)| c2 (BA) (GE) (3DEF|E4 a2 (BA)|(G3E) (DE).F.D|(G3F) (GA)Bc|(d3"4"e) (B2A2)|(G3F) G2:|]

CAIT NÍ DHUIBHIR (Kitty O'Dwyer). AKA "Cáit Ní Duibhir." Irish, Air (4/4 time). Ireland, Munster. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part. An anonymous 18th century Munster song, expressing the desire for political and cultural freedom.

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Cranitch (The Irish Fiddle Book), 1996; p. 101. Ó Canainn (Traditional Slow Airs of Ireland), 1995; No. 106, p. 90. Batt Scanlon (The Violin made Easy and Attractive), San Francisco, 1923; p. 29.

Recorded sources : - Columbia 35612, "The Chieftains" (1978. Appears as part of the medley "Dochas"). RCA 09026-60916-2, The Chieftains – "An Irish Evening" (1991).

See also listing at :
Alan Ng's Irishtune.info [1]

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