Annotation:Coveny's Reel
X:1 T:Coveny's Reel S:John James Conaghan (Doorin, Mountcharles, Co. Donegal), who had learned S:it from an older fiddler named Coveny. N:A version of "Rakish Paddy." M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Fiddler Magazine, vol. 16, No. 2, Summer 2009 (p. 24) Z:Transcribed by Caoimhin Mac Aoidh K:Amin d3c|:Ad {e}dc Addc|A/c/A GF ECCE|Ad {e}dc Ac e/^f/g|^fdEA ^FDDA| d/e/d ce dBcB|A^FG=F EG,CE|Ad {e}dc d2 eg|^fdEA ^FDDA:| K:Ador |:defd adfd|cdef {a}gecA|defd adfd|cAGc Addc| d3f afdB|cdef g2 fg|afge fded|ea {b}ag eddc:|
COVENY'S REEL. Irish, Reel. Ireland, County Donegal. A Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Coveny's Reel" was in the repertory of south Co. Donegal fiddler Danny Meehan (b. 1940), who learned it from John James Conaghan of Doorin, Mountcharles. Conaghan had the tune from an older fiddler who lived nearby by the name of Coveny. It is a version of "Rakish Paddy."