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Annotation:Gavot (4)

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X:1 T:Gavot [4] T:Prince of Wales Gavot C:Pierre-Gabriel Gardel M:6/8 L:1/8 B:Archibald Duff – A Choice Selection of Minuets, Favourite Airs, Hornpipes, Waltzs &c. B:Book First (Edinburgh, c. 1812, p. 3) B: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/105810922 N:Archibald Duff (c. 1770-c. 1840?) was a musician (along with his brother Charles) and dancing N:master, of Montrose and Aberdeen, and is recorded as being a Professor of Music residing at N:Clayills Cottage, Aberdeen in 1837. N:The volume is dedicated to Lady Mary Ramsay of Balmain N:”N.B. The Devonshire, La Chape, and other, figure Minuets in the 2nd part.” N:This gavot may be a part of "The Prince of Wales Minuet." Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb d|dcd cBd|dcd fec|cBc BAc|c=Bc ^cdA|BAB GAB| cde B2A|BAB cgf|1fed dc:|2 edc B3|||:d2f c2f| TB>AB AGF|d2f c2f|TB>AB A2c|{d}c>=Bc d2g|=ece f2f| g^fg a2=f|b2a g3|.c.c.c c’3|.c.c.c b3|.c.c.c a2a-| a.g.f =.e.d.c|.c.c.c {c}.c’.c.c|.c.c.c {c}.c’.c.c|.c.c.c {c}.b.c.c|c2~c _a2a| _agf =edc|dfd cfc|~B>AB ABc|dfd cf |BAG !fermata!F2 F2G2A2 B2c2d2e2f2!fermata!d2d|| |:dcd cBc|dcd fec|cBc BAc|cBA {^c}d2A|~B>AB GAB|cde B2A| {c}BAB cgf|1fed dcd:|2 edc B2d|B2d [B,3D3F3B3]|[B,3D3F3B3][B,3F3B3]||

GAVOT [4]. Scottish(?), Country Dance Tune (6/8 time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BCC. "Gavot [4]" was printed by Montrose and Aberdeen dancing master and musician Archibald Duff in his Choice Selection of Minuets, Favourite Airs, Hornpipes, Waltzs &c. (c. 1812), following "Prince of Wales Minuet (The)." Both pieces were composed by Parisian dancing-master, musician and composer Pierre-Gabriel Gardel (1758-1840).

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Printed sources : - Archibald Duff (A Choice Selection of Minuets, Favourite Airs, Hornpipes, Waltzs &c., Book First), Edinburgh, c. 1812; p. 3.

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