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Annotation:Gigue de l'Halloween

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X: 1 T: Gigue de l'Halloween T: Halloween Jig C: Jean Duval 1995 R: jig Z: 2008 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> F: http://mustrad.udenap.org/tounes/TQ006_Gigue%20de%20l%27Halloween.htm M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Bm F \ | "Bm"~B3 Bcd | "A"c2A ABc | "G"B2G GAB | "F#m"A2F FEF | "Bm"~B3 Bcd | "A"c2A ABc | "D"def "A"edc | "Bm"B3 B2 :| |: e \ | "Bm"~f3 fed | "A"cde Adc | "G"Bcd dcB | "F#m"cAF F3 | "Bm"~f3 fed | "A"cde Adc | "G"Bcd "A"cBA |1 "Bm"B2B cd :|2 "Bm"B3 B2 |]

GIGUE DE L'HALLOWEEN. French-Canadian, Jig (6/8 time). B Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB'.

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