Annotation:Grant's (Reel)
X:1 T:Grant’s (Reel) M:C| L:1/16 R:Pipe Reel C:Rod Campbell B:Logan’s Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music vol. 4 (c. 1905, No. 17, p. 13) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix e<Ae<d B<eB<A|G>GGB A>AAB|e<Ae<d B<eB<A|G<gf<d e>fg<e:| e>def g2 f<e|d<e g2 agf<a|e>def g>ag<e|edB<g A>AAB| e>def g2 f<e|d<e g2 agf<a|g<fe<d efg<f|e>ded B<de<a||
GRANT'S (REEL). Scottish, Canadian; Pipe Reel. Canada, Cape Breton. A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Grant's" wascomposed by Scottish piper Roderick Campbell (1873-1937). Paul Stewart Cranford (2015) notes that Campbell's student, John Wilson, moved to Ontario after World War II and became highly influential in the piping community there.