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Annotation:Greenland Hornpipe

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X:1 T:Greenland Hornpipe M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:John Burks music manuscript collection dated 1821 N:Nothing is known of Burks, although the provenance of his N:ms. is English. His music ms. surfaced in the United States, and had N: possibly been in the possession of his descendants until the N:mid-20th cent. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D FE|DFAc dcBc|Acef gfef|dfaf gefd|ceab agfe| DFAc dcBA|Acef gfge|dfaf bgec|d2d2d2:| |:fg|afdf gfge|afdf gfge|efed cdcB|A2 ab agfe| dcde fdAc|dfaf gecA|dfaf bgec|d2d2d2:||

GREENLAND HORNPIPE. English, Hornpipe (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The melody appears in the music manuscript copybook of fiddler John Burkes, dated 1821. Unfortunately, nothing is known of Burks, although the ms. has an English provenance. The title may have associations with the fishing or whaling industry and the abundant harvests off Greenland.

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