Annotation:Hommage à Stéphane Landry

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X:98 T:Hommage à Stéphane Landry C:Philippe Bruneau R:reel M:2/4 L:1/16 K:Bm |: F2BB B2BB | BFBd c3c | F2cc c2cc | cFce d3d | cdef gece | Bcde fdBc |1 dedB cdec | fgeg dfcf | :|2 dedB cdcF | BBdf b3b |: bfdf Bdfb | bfdf Bdfb | bfdf Bcde | f4- f3f | efge c3c | defd BFBc |1 dedB cdec | (3faf (3ege (3 dfd (3 cec :|2 dedB cdcF | BBdf b3b :|

HOMMAGE À STEPHANE LANDRY. Canadian, Reel (2/4 time). Canada, Québec. B Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'.  "Hommage à Stephane Landry" was composed by accordion player Philippe Bruneau (1934-2011) in honor of prominent Québec accordion player Stephane Landry, who toured with the group Entourloupe.

See also Landry's composition "Hommage à Gérard Lojoie," composed in honor of his teacher and mentor.

Additional notes

Recorded sources : - Risk 2301, Laura Risk - "Traverse" (2023).

See also listing at :
Hear a home recording of Philippe Bruneau playing the tune at ADAPI [1]

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