Annotation:Jack's Creek Ridge

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X:1 T:Jack's Creek Ridge N:From the playing of Bruce Greene M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:AEac# tuning (fiddle) Q:"Quick" D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A A2|+slide+[c6c6][c2c2]|{B}cBAB c2 AB| c2 c-B c2 AB|c2B2A2F2|(EF)AA A2AB| cccd cBAB|cdcB c2AB|c2B2A2F2|E-FAA A2AB| c2c2(3BcB AB|c2c-B c2 AB|c2 B2 A2F2|E-FAA A4AB| c2cd cBAB|cdcB c2AB|c2B2A2F2|E-FAA A2| |:[c2e2]-|[A4e4] fecf|[A2e2]ce [A2f2][A2f2]|[A2e2][A2c2] BAF2|E-FAA A2:|

JACK'S CREEK RIDGE. American, Reel (cut time). A Major. AEac# tuning (fiddle). AAB. The tune is sourced to fiddler Charles Hoskins (Hyden, Leslie County, south-eastern Kentucky), via collector Peter Hoover (1939-2019) who recorded Hoskins in the field in 1961, and who passed the tune along to Bruce Greene.

As a place name, there are several 'Jack's Creek's' to choose from in southeastern Kentucky, as it is the name of a road, an unincorporated town, and a waterway. Bluegrass stars the Wikipedia:Osborne_Brothers lived in source Hoskin's town of Hyden when they were young, before moving on to Ohio.

Additional notes

Recorded sources : - Library of Congress AFS 15,063A, Charles Hoskins (1961). Old Time Tiki Parlor, Dave Bragger - "Big Fancy" (2016). Bruce Greene - "Five Miles of Ellum Wood" (1996).

See also listing at :
Hear Bruce Greene's recording at Slippery Hill [1]

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