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X:1 T:Jeanie Skinner C:Jeanie Skinner N:”Composed by her when 10 years of age and arranged by N:James Scott Skinner.” M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:J. Scott Skinner – Miller o’ Hirn Collection (1881, No. 47, p. 18) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G e|(dB3) B3d e4 (eg3)|(dB3) B3G A6e2|(dB3) B3d e4 (eg3)|(dB3) A3B (G4 [B,2G2]):| d3|.g3.f3.e3.d3 e4- eg3|(dB3) A3G A6d2-|g2.f2.e2.d2 e4 (eg3)|(dB3) A3B (G4 [B,3G3])d| .g2.f2.e2.d2 e4- eg3|dB3 A3G A4- Ae3|(dB3) B2d e4 (eg3)|(dB3) A3B (G4 [B,2G2])||

JEANIE SKINNER. Scottish, Strathspey (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Jeanie Skinner was Aberdeenshire fiddler-composer and Scottish dancing master wikipedia:James_Scott_Skinner's adopted daughter. Skinner recorded with the tune that Jeanie composed it at age 10, and that her father 'arranged' it. Jeanie was accomplished enough on the piano that she often accompanied her father in his teaching and performance, particularly by 1880. She married Frank Sutherland of Elgin (see Skinner's strathspey "Frank's"), who played piccolo (and perhaps other instruments) in Skinner's ad hoc band, assembled for various balls and events.

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Printed sources : - J. Scott Skinner (Miller o’ Hirn Collection), 1881; No. 47, p. 18.

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