Annotation:Liverpool Hornpipe (3)
X: 1 T:Liverpool Hornpipe [3]. ThoH.089 Q:3/8=100 M:6/8 L:1/8 B:Thompson's Compleat Collection of 120 Favourite Hornpipes. Z:Village Music Project, Simon Wilson 2016 O:England. K:Bb b2f def|g2BG2A|Bcd eGc|AcB AGF| b2f def|G3F3|A2B EDC|B,2F DCB,:| |:DB,FB3|DEFB,2G,|ECGc3|=EFGC2A,| b2f def|geB Ege|Ced cBA|B3B,3:|
LIVERPOOL HORNPIPE [3]. English, Jig (6/8 time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. This 6/8 tune originally appears in Thompson's Compleat Collection of 120 Favourite Hornpipes (London, 1800, No. 89).