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Annotation:Mangaire Súgach ro Chan

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X:1 T: Mangaire Súgach ro Chan N:Goodman notes “Same as Úr-chlann na Mná.” R:Air M:2/4 L:1/8 B:James Goodman music manuscript collection Book 2 (p. 141) F:http://goodman.itma.ie/volume-two#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=144&z=166.6182%2C1046.2065%2C8071.311%2C3101.8519 F:at Trinity College Dublin / Irish Traditional Music Archive goodman.itma.ie Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G E>F|GG/G/ GF|D3D|GGGA|B3G|ccec|BB dB/A/|G>B AG|E2|| |:E|GGAF|D3D|GGGA|B3 de/f/|gg gf/e/|ddde|BGAB|G3:|]

MANGAIRE SÚGACH RO CHAN. Irish, Air (2/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABB. Goodman appends the note to the title: "Same asÚr-chlann na Mná."

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Printed sources : - Hugh and Lisa Shields (Tunes of the Munster Pipers vol. 2), 2013; No. 648.

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