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Annotation:Miss Platoff

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X:1 T:Miss Platoff M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Edward Riley – “Riley’s Flute Melodies vol. 3” (1820, No. 156, p. 46) F: https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/ab7b93e0-f959-0139-46b9-0242ac110002#/?uuid=277ff190-2ae4-013a-5cb8-0242ac110003 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G d|g2g {a}(gfg)|d2B G2B|Ace edc|(c3 B2)d| g2g {a}(gfg)|d2B G2B|A(ed) cBA|G2B G2:| |:B|c2A d2c|BAB G2B|c2A a2f|(g3 b2)B| c2A d2c|{c}BAB G2B|ABc DEF|(A3 G2):| |:B|B(e^d) e2B|B(gf) g2b|(ba).g (gfe)|(e^de) fdB| B(e^d) e2B|B(gf) g2b|(ba)g (fe)^d|e3 e2:|

MISS PLATOFF. English, Jig (6/8 time). England, Northumberland. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. The jig was entered into the 1833 music manucript collection of Lionel Winship (Moat Hill, Wark, Northumberland). The third part modulates nicely to the relative minor. See "annotation:Miss Platoff's Wedding" for more on the subject of the title.

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Northumbrian Piper's Pocket-Green Book, 1993. Edward Riley (Riley’s Flute Melodies vol. 3), New York, 1820; No. 156, p. 46.

Recorded sources : - ASV Records, The Yetties - "The Fiddler Knows..." (1990).

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